论药品包装机械的概念设计 【中英文WORD】【中文3210字】.zip
1 译文标题译文标题论药品包装机械的概念设计论药品包装机械的概念设计原文标题原文标题Comment on medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design 作作 者者BRIAN HUGH WARNER译译 名名布莱恩休沃纳国国 籍籍美国 JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT&CONTROL原文出处原文出处动力系统,测量与控制杂志【中文 3210 字】2 论药品包装机械的概念设计 论药品包装机械的概念设计 近年来,由于我国经济形势的持续高涨和国家对制药行业强制性推行GMP(药品生产质量规范)认证制度,药品包装机械取得了长足的进步。新产品日益增多,技术水平有了很大的改进。但与国际水平相比还存在着很大的差距,近 60%的产品达不到发达国家上世纪 80 年代的水平,先进大型的设备主要依赖进口。我国药品包装机械的低技术水平在很大程度上是由我国企业设计人员低水平设计引起的。一、我国药品包装机械现状分析我国药品包装机械与国际先进水平相比尚有较大的差距.国产药品包装机械设计上主要存在以下几点不足:1)机械性能落后,国产药品包装机械大多精度低、速度慢、平稳性差。包装机械运转过程包含大量复杂的间歇式运动,主要由凸轮、连杆来实现。然而许多设计人员不会根据工作循环图和精度要求独立设计计算凸轮连杆机构的运动学和动力学参数,只是简单的把国外样机的凸轮连杆零件拆卸下来进行逐点测绘,造成执行机构误差很大。国产药品包装机械大多运行速度较低,如铝塑泡罩包装机的冲裁频率一般为 100300 个/min,全自动药盒包装机的装盒速度 50200 盒/min,而国际上先进的铝塑泡罩包装机的冲裁频率能够达到 600 个/min,全自动药盒包装机的装盒速度能够达到 600 800 盒/min。国产药品包装机械不仅运行速度慢,而且还伴有较大的噪音。2)控制水平落后。国产药品包装机械大多控制水平低、自动性差、故障率高。国产药品包装机械(主要指盒装和灌装机械)大多采用 PLC 作现场控制,而国外先进的药品包装机械大多由计算机系统实现监控,控制水平相对落后。大多数国产药品包装机械自动性较差。一是普遍采用单机生产模式,全自动生产线少。二是做不到全自动运转,需要人工加料,手动装箱。如一些纸盒包装机中,药板、说明书纸页、纸盒都需要手动加料,且需专人随时注意说明书、药板、纸盒是否已经用完,以免造成机器空转或造成缺说明书、药板、药盒现象的发生。另外,国产药品包装机械故障率较高。控制元器件(如继电器、电磁阀、接触器、断路器等)等经常容易损坏,死机故障也时有发生。3)功能单一、可扩展性差。药品包装机械是针对特定的包装形式设计的。一般在规定的规格范围内可调。而我国许多药品包装机械在设计时考虑不充分,没有为进一步的改造留出足够的空间,致使设计的机械只能适应于几种简单的模板,3 不适应包装材料或模板尺寸的变化,即使适应生产的包装成品质量也不佳。4)综合考虑不足,资源没有充分利用。我国药品包装机械设计存在着混乱现象,许多机械设计人员对电机拖动同步技术、伺服传动技术不了解,可用简单的电器设备解决的问题却用复杂的机械装置来实现,有的虽然采用了同步电机等装置来控制机构运行,但选取不当。这些情况不仅造成了资源的极大浪费,而且使设计的机械的性能低下。5)造型死板。我国的药品包装机械设计时很少考虑机械的造型,很多厂家生产的机械造型不美观,甚至没有造型,给人感觉僵硬、死板、没有活力。一些药盒包装机中,螺钉螺母都安装在机器的外面板上,而一些润滑用的油杯和油嘴也随处可见,加油时容易使机器到处沾满油污,给人印象粗糙,不美观。二、药品包装机械概念设计的内容人们经过多年的研究,将概念设计定义为:“在确定了任务后,通过抽象化拟定功能结构,寻求适当的作用原理及其组合等,确定出基本求解途径,得出求解方案。这一部分设计工作叫做概念设计”概念设计指明确设计目的和现有条件后,设计者搜索多方面的知识,分析提炼后生成框架式的广泛意义上的解。药品包装机械的概念设计要求根据产品生命周期各个阶段,进行产品功能创造、功能分解以及功能和子功能的结构设计,进行满足功能和结构要求的工作原理求解和进行实现功能结构的工作原理载体方案的构思和系统化设计概念设计的过程是一个求解实现功能的、满足各种技术和经济指标的、可能存在的各种方案并最终确定综合最优方案的过程。概念设计的作用主要体现在产品设计的早期阶段。总设计师根据产品功能的需求而萌发出来的原始构思和冲动形成产品的主体框架,及它应包括的各主要模块和组件,以完成整体布局和外型初步设计。然后进行评估和优化,确定整体设计方案。再由各部分设计人员把总设计师的设计思想落实到具体设计中去,实现细节设计。实施药品包装机械的概念设计首先要求设计人员加强对药品包装的认识,深化理解药品包装的内涵,引进现代包装理念,积极与国际接轨。现代包装不仅是保障产品的安全,使产品运输方便,而且起着宣传、环保、防伪、美观等多方面的作用。药品包装机械设计人员应密切关注包装系统的发展.深入研究包装工艺,熟悉包装材料的发展和其对机械产品的要求。只有这样才能设计出满足用户要求的高水平机械产品。药品包装机械的概念设计的内容主要有:1)明确设计任务,做好可行性分析。设计者在进行设计工作初始阶段时应充分考虑产品的可行性。一方面是市场的考虑,包括产品销售、产品原料、制造费用 4 的考虑;另一方面是产品加工的考虑,包括现有加工能力、加工工艺、加工性能及周边配套行业的考虑。周边配套环境的考虑主要指当地企业加工能力、加工水平、热处理工艺及基础设施的建设等。2)功能设计。我国大多数药品包装机械是对国外同类机型的仿制。但由于我国存在的特殊国情,须对产品进行适当的改造,以满足我国的要求。而不是一味的照抄照搬。设计的机械除需要满足盒装、灌装功能外,我们还须考虑包装机械的附加功能,如包装盒中应加入量杯、药勺等工具,以方便用户使用。在机种的开发方面可以设计较为先进的机械,如无菌包装机械、保鲜包装机械等。还可以开发药品包装前处理成套设备和后处理配套设备。3)功能分解。药品包装机械属于机电一体化产品,设计时应全面考虑各功能。一般而言,药品包装机械功能大致可分为机构运动、监测传感、信息处理及控制功能 3 大部分。机构运动功能按不同机种又可细分,如铝塑泡罩包装机可分为成型、热封、压痕、冲裁 4 大功能,而纸盒包装机械可分为折纸、下纸、药板推送、纸盒打开、纸盒传输、折舌、插舌、压平和打批号等功能。在设计过程中还要考虑机械润滑、机械安全运行、包装卫生等功能。这要求设计人员充分考虑检测技术,光、机、电一体化技术、计算机技术.气动技术、物流技术之间的交叉联系。4)机构设计。为实现预定的功能,我们需要使用不同的机构。这一过程中需综合考虑整机的各个部分,使设计的产品在满足使用要求的同时,结构简单、实用。药品包装机械机构设计时,应选择和组合适当的机构运动原理,充分考虑实现特定运动所需机构,如凸轮机构,连杆机构,凸轮连杆机构。同时还应运用分离传动技术,综合考虑传动轴(如花键轴和阶梯轴等)和传动系统的设计问题。设计过程中应尽量减少不确定性因素造成的影响,使机构运行平稳。设计时还应对机械进行动力学分析,以提升机械运行速度和平稳性。另外还应考虑包装机械的多样、可调、容错、可扩展、平稳性以及美观化,追求机械轻巧但稳定。设计过程可参考各类包装机械设计的长处,同时借鉴别的机械(如塑料机械、印刷机械)的优点。除进行机构设计外.还应考虑各功能另外的实现途径,如真空、电器控制等,以期最优组合该产品。5)系统控制方案的设计。药品包装机械中一个很重要的部分就是对各机构实时检测补偿,以保证设备运行顺畅。现在很多机械产品选用了大量的光电开关作为检测元件,有的机械上还装备有诸如微机检测泡罩系统之类的系统。这都需要精心设计和整个控制系统连为一体。5 三、结语将概念设计的思想融入药品包装机械的设计可以减少设计失误,缩短设计周期,加快产品的开发,使设计的产品更合理、更具有亲和力、更适合人机工程。同时它也是降低成本和提高企业竞争力的主要手段。为了改善药品包装机械设计落后、缺乏竞争力的被动局面,以适应“后 GMP 时代”带来的挑战,设计人员必须重视产品概念设计,深化理解概念设计的重要性。6 1 文标题文标题论药品包装机械的概念设计论药品包装机械的概念设计原文标题原文标题Comment on medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design 作作 者者BRIAN HUGH WARNER译译 名名布莱恩休沃纳国国 籍籍美国 JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT&CONTROL原文出处原文出处动力系统,测量与控制杂志Comment on medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual designIn recent years,Carry out GMP(medicines and chemical reagents produces specifications of quality)attestation system because of sustained our country economic situation rise and country to pharmacy industry mandatory.Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery has got quite great progress.The new product increases by gradually.Engineering level has had very big improvement.But be returning very big gaps back to existence compared with international standards.Level being close to 60%s product cannot to reach upper developed country century eighties.Large-scale advanced equipment is dependent on entrance mainly.Low our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery engineering level is that the design designing personnel low level from our country enterprise arouses to a great extent.One,our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery current situation analysesOur country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery still has bigger gap compared with advanced international level.What time is insufficient on domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery design under main existence1)Backward domestic mechanical performance medicines and chemical reagents package machinery mostly,accuracy low velocity,is slow,stationarity dispatches package machinery travel process to contain large amount of dyadic complicated intermittence motion.Come to come true mainly from the cam,the connecting rod.But,2 many design that the personnel is unable to require that the independence designs the parameter calculating cam bar linkage kinematics and dynamics according to job cycle picture and accuracy.Be only the surveying and mapping carrying out a piecemeal that the abroad model machine cam connecting rod part is dismantled down simplely.Bring about actuating mechanism error is very big.That domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery runs speed mostly is more general than hanging down according to cutting frequency if the aluminium moulds bubble cover packers for 100 one 300 mins,full-automatic medicine box packer dress box speed 50-200 boxes/ms in.But,on the international,the advanced aluminium moulds rushing steeping cover packer cutting frequency be able to reach 600 mins.Full-automatic medicine box packer dress box speed is able to reach 600 800 box/mins.Not only working speed of domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery is slow.And,the partner has bigger noise.2)Is under the control of horizontal backward.Domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery controls low,automation of level difference mostly,the malfunction leads height.(Main package machinery finger box dress controls domestic medicines and chemical reagents with drinking wine holding machinery with)adopt PLC to do a scene mostly.But,advanced medicines and chemical reagents package machinery realizes supervisory control abroad mostly from computer system.Under the control of horizontal relatively backward.Great majority domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery automation sex is relatively poor.Adopt a single to produce a pattern first commonly.The full-automatic production line is few.Two is that full-automation works cannot to achieve.Require that the manpower feeds in raw material.Hand movement enchases.If in a little paper box packer,Page,paper box all needs medicine board,specifications paper to move charging personally.And require specially-assigned person to pay attention to if specifications,medicine board,paper box already finish using at any time.Happen to avoid bringing about machine racing or bringing about incomplete specifications,medicine board,and medicine box phenomenon.Other,domestic medicines and chemical reagents package mechanic failure rates are higher.Control a component(if the relay,electromagnetic valve,contactor,breaker etc.)etc.are often easy to damage.Halt also to frequently occur the 3 malfunction.3)Functions are unitary,expansion sex is bad.Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery is that the form designs that specifically for specially appointed package.The general specification range inner in regulation is adjustable.But,a lot of our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery considers insufficiency when designing that.Be not that reforming going a step further sets apart sufficient space.Cause the machinery designing that to be able to only adapt to the form board in several kinds simplicities.Change not adapting to wrapping material or the form board dimension.Fit in with even.The package finished product mass giving birth to a child is neither nice.4)Considers deficiency synthetically.Resource does not fully utilize.Our country medicines and chemical reagents there exists the chaos phenomenon in package machinery design.A lot of machinery designs that the personnel drags to the electric motor moving the synchrony technology,the servo drive technology do not knows.The problem simple electrical equipment available is resolved uses complicated mechanism to come to come true but.Some though the control organ works to come having adopt the synchrony electric motor to wait for a device.But choose block of wood ding-dang.The maximum having brought about resource not only wastes this condition.And make machinery function designing that low.5)Model is inflexible.Model seldom considering machinery time medicines and chemical reagents of our country package machinery design.Many machine molding that the manufacturer produces is not beautiful do not have model even.Give person feeling to rigid,to inflexible,not to have vigor.A few medicine box packers are middle.The nut all assembles screw on the machine outside board.But,the oil cup and flow nipple that a little lubrication uses also can be seen everywhere.Be stained fully with a greasy dirt easy to use machine everywhere time oiling.Impression is rough to person.No beautiful.Two,medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design contentPeople long-term study passes.Define conceptual design being:Have been ascertaining the mission queen.Pass abstract-relation.Design the function structure.4 Explore appropriate effect principle and their combination waiting.Ascertain out basic finding the solution approach.Reach find the solution scheme.This part of the conceptual design designing that the job is called conceptual design is referred to make the queen who designs purpose and now has condition clear.The designer searches for many-sided knowledge.Analysis abstracts the solution on generating dyadic broad frame significance the day after tomorrow.Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design demands according to each product life cycle stages.Carrying out the product function creates,the function breaks up as well as the function and son are functional physical design:That conception and systematization carrying out the scheme satisfying the operating principle that the function and structure demand finding the solution and carrying out the operating principle carrier realizing the function structures design the conceptual design process is that one finds the solution realizing a functions,satisfies the various technology and various there existing in economic targets,possibility scheme well ultimate for sure synthetically optimum scheme process.The conceptual design effect embodies in the product design early phase stage mainly.Chief architect is based on functional need of product but primitive conception and impulsion sprouting out form the product main body frame.And,it responds to every main module and module including.In order to accomplishing overall layout and the exterior,the first step designs that.And then carry out the optimization appraising a sum.Ascertain the overall design plan.Design that the personnel carries out the chief architect design thought going to designing middle concretely again from every part.Detail designs realization.The conceptual design putting medicines and chemical reagents package machinery into practice demands to design that the personnel reinforces the cognition to medicines and chemical reagents package first.Deepen the connotation understanding medicines and chemical reagents packages.Introduce modern package idea.Be in line with the international conventions actively.Modern package is to ensure the product safety not only.Make product transportation convenient.And be getting up propagate,environmental protection,defends against false.Attractive looks waits for the many-sided effect.Wrap up contents additional information.The medicines and chemical reagents package machinery design personnel should show solicitude for development of package system closely.Go deep into the 5 handicraft studying package.Know demand of development of wrapping material and the person to machinery product very well.Only when such ability designs that out satisfy the high tone machinery product that the consumer demands.Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design content has mainly:1)Makes the design mission clear.Be ready for feasibility analysis.The designer designs initial stage working in being in progress.Respond to the feasibility considering a product sufficiently.One aspect is the marketplace thinking.Include the production marketing,product raw material,the fabricating cost thinking:Another aspect is thinking that the product processes.Include thinking now having a working ability,processing handicraft,processing the function and periphery supporting industry.Periphery supporting environment thinking points to the local enterprise working ability mainly processes level,heat treatment handicraft and the infrastructural facilities construction etc.2)Function design.Great majority our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery is the same kind model copying to abroad.But peculiar national conditions because of our country existence.Must carry out appropriate reforming on the product.To satisfy request of our country.But fault blindly copy blindly.The machinery designing that is packed in,irrigates the dress function outside except needing to satisfy a box.We must consider the additional function packing machinery.If in package box should add a counting cup.The medicine spoon waits an utensil down.Be put into use with convenience of customers.In machine,kind of aspect developing can design comparatively advanced machinery.If sterile pack machinery,the package machinery retaining freshness etc.Can develop the corollary equipment selling complete sets of equipment and the post-processing at reduced prices in the medicines and chemical reagents package front.3)Functions decomposition.Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery belongs to the integration of machinery with electronics product.Should consider every function all round time design.Sort Er Yan.The medicines and chemical reagents package machinery function may divide 3 major parts being that organization moves,monitors biography feel,the information processing and controlling a function basically.The function subdivides organization motion according to may not kind with 6 machine,packer may be molding,heat-s
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1 译文标题译文标题论药品包装机械的概念设计论药品包装机械的概念设计原文标题原文标题Comment on medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design 作作 者者BRIAN HUGH WARNER译译 名名布莱恩休沃纳国国 籍籍美国 JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT&CONTROL原文出处原文出处动力系统,测量与控制杂志【中文 3210 字】2 论药品包装机械的概念设计 论药品包装机械的概念设计 近年来,由于我国经济形势的持续高涨和国家对制药行业强制性推行GMP(药品生产质量规范)认证制度,药品包装机械取得了长足的进步。新产品日益增多,技术水平有了很大的改进。但与国际水平相比还存在着很大的差距,近 60%的产品达不到发达国家上世纪 80 年代的水平,先进大型的设备主要依赖进口。我国药品包装机械的低技术水平在很大程度上是由我国企业设计人员低水平设计引起的。一、我国药品包装机械现状分析我国药品包装机械与国际先进水平相比尚有较大的差距.国产药品包装机械设计上主要存在以下几点不足:1)机械性能落后,国产药品包装机械大多精度低、速度慢、平稳性差。包装机械运转过程包含大量复杂的间歇式运动,主要由凸轮、连杆来实现。然而许多设计人员不会根据工作循环图和精度要求独立设计计算凸轮连杆机构的运动学和动力学参数,只是简单的把国外样机的凸轮连杆零件拆卸下来进行逐点测绘,造成执行机构误差很大。国产药品包装机械大多运行速度较低,如铝塑泡罩包装机的冲裁频率一般为 100300 个/min,全自动药盒包装机的装盒速度 50200 盒/min,而国际上先进的铝塑泡罩包装机的冲裁频率能够达到 600 个/min,全自动药盒包装机的装盒速度能够达到 600 800 盒/min。国产药品包装机械不仅运行速度慢,而且还伴有较大的噪音。2)控制水平落后。国产药品包装机械大多控制水平低、自动性差、故障率高。国产药品包装机械(主要指盒装和灌装机械)大多采用 PLC 作现场控制,而国外先进的药品包装机械大多由计算机系统实现监控,控制水平相对落后。大多数国产药品包装机械自动性较差。一是普遍采用单机生产模式,全自动生产线少。二是做不到全自动运转,需要人工加料,手动装箱。如一些纸盒包装机中,药板、说明书纸页、纸盒都需要手动加料,且需专人随时注意说明书、药板、纸盒是否已经用完,以免造成机器空转或造成缺说明书、药板、药盒现象的发生。另外,国产药品包装机械故障率较高。控制元器件(如继电器、电磁阀、接触器、断路器等)等经常容易损坏,死机故障也时有发生。3)功能单一、可扩展性差。药品包装机械是针对特定的包装形式设计的。一般在规定的规格范围内可调。而我国许多药品包装机械在设计时考虑不充分,没有为进一步的改造留出足够的空间,致使设计的机械只能适应于几种简单的模板,3 不适应包装材料或模板尺寸的变化,即使适应生产的包装成品质量也不佳。4)综合考虑不足,资源没有充分利用。我国药品包装机械设计存在着混乱现象,许多机械设计人员对电机拖动同步技术、伺服传动技术不了解,可用简单的电器设备解决的问题却用复杂的机械装置来实现,有的虽然采用了同步电机等装置来控制机构运行,但选取不当。这些情况不仅造成了资源的极大浪费,而且使设计的机械的性能低下。5)造型死板。我国的药品包装机械设计时很少考虑机械的造型,很多厂家生产的机械造型不美观,甚至没有造型,给人感觉僵硬、死板、没有活力。一些药盒包装机中,螺钉螺母都安装在机器的外面板上,而一些润滑用的油杯和油嘴也随处可见,加油时容易使机器到处沾满油污,给人印象粗糙,不美观。二、药品包装机械概念设计的内容人们经过多年的研究,将概念设计定义为:“在确定了任务后,通过抽象化拟定功能结构,寻求适当的作用原理及其组合等,确定出基本求解途径,得出求解方案。这一部分设计工作叫做概念设计”概念设计指明确设计目的和现有条件后,设计者搜索多方面的知识,分析提炼后生成框架式的广泛意义上的解。药品包装机械的概念设计要求根据产品生命周期各个阶段,进行产品功能创造、功能分解以及功能和子功能的结构设计,进行满足功能和结构要求的工作原理求解和进行实现功能结构的工作原理载体方案的构思和系统化设计概念设计的过程是一个求解实现功能的、满足各种技术和经济指标的、可能存在的各种方案并最终确定综合最优方案的过程。概念设计的作用主要体现在产品设计的早期阶段。总设计师根据产品功能的需求而萌发出来的原始构思和冲动形成产品的主体框架,及它应包括的各主要模块和组件,以完成整体布局和外型初步设计。然后进行评估和优化,确定整体设计方案。再由各部分设计人员把总设计师的设计思想落实到具体设计中去,实现细节设计。实施药品包装机械的概念设计首先要求设计人员加强对药品包装的认识,深化理解药品包装的内涵,引进现代包装理念,积极与国际接轨。现代包装不仅是保障产品的安全,使产品运输方便,而且起着宣传、环保、防伪、美观等多方面的作用。药品包装机械设计人员应密切关注包装系统的发展.深入研究包装工艺,熟悉包装材料的发展和其对机械产品的要求。只有这样才能设计出满足用户要求的高水平机械产品。药品包装机械的概念设计的内容主要有:1)明确设计任务,做好可行性分析。设计者在进行设计工作初始阶段时应充分考虑产品的可行性。一方面是市场的考虑,包括产品销售、产品原料、制造费用 4 的考虑;另一方面是产品加工的考虑,包括现有加工能力、加工工艺、加工性能及周边配套行业的考虑。周边配套环境的考虑主要指当地企业加工能力、加工水平、热处理工艺及基础设施的建设等。2)功能设计。我国大多数药品包装机械是对国外同类机型的仿制。但由于我国存在的特殊国情,须对产品进行适当的改造,以满足我国的要求。而不是一味的照抄照搬。设计的机械除需要满足盒装、灌装功能外,我们还须考虑包装机械的附加功能,如包装盒中应加入量杯、药勺等工具,以方便用户使用。在机种的开发方面可以设计较为先进的机械,如无菌包装机械、保鲜包装机械等。还可以开发药品包装前处理成套设备和后处理配套设备。3)功能分解。药品包装机械属于机电一体化产品,设计时应全面考虑各功能。一般而言,药品包装机械功能大致可分为机构运动、监测传感、信息处理及控制功能 3 大部分。机构运动功能按不同机种又可细分,如铝塑泡罩包装机可分为成型、热封、压痕、冲裁 4 大功能,而纸盒包装机械可分为折纸、下纸、药板推送、纸盒打开、纸盒传输、折舌、插舌、压平和打批号等功能。在设计过程中还要考虑机械润滑、机械安全运行、包装卫生等功能。这要求设计人员充分考虑检测技术,光、机、电一体化技术、计算机技术.气动技术、物流技术之间的交叉联系。4)机构设计。为实现预定的功能,我们需要使用不同的机构。这一过程中需综合考虑整机的各个部分,使设计的产品在满足使用要求的同时,结构简单、实用。药品包装机械机构设计时,应选择和组合适当的机构运动原理,充分考虑实现特定运动所需机构,如凸轮机构,连杆机构,凸轮连杆机构。同时还应运用分离传动技术,综合考虑传动轴(如花键轴和阶梯轴等)和传动系统的设计问题。设计过程中应尽量减少不确定性因素造成的影响,使机构运行平稳。设计时还应对机械进行动力学分析,以提升机械运行速度和平稳性。另外还应考虑包装机械的多样、可调、容错、可扩展、平稳性以及美观化,追求机械轻巧但稳定。设计过程可参考各类包装机械设计的长处,同时借鉴别的机械(如塑料机械、印刷机械)的优点。除进行机构设计外.还应考虑各功能另外的实现途径,如真空、电器控制等,以期最优组合该产品。5)系统控制方案的设计。药品包装机械中一个很重要的部分就是对各机构实时检测补偿,以保证设备运行顺畅。现在很多机械产品选用了大量的光电开关作为检测元件,有的机械上还装备有诸如微机检测泡罩系统之类的系统。这都需要精心设计和整个控制系统连为一体。5 三、结语将概念设计的思想融入药品包装机械的设计可以减少设计失误,缩短设计周期,加快产品的开发,使设计的产品更合理、更具有亲和力、更适合人机工程。同时它也是降低成本和提高企业竞争力的主要手段。为了改善药品包装机械设计落后、缺乏竞争力的被动局面,以适应“后 GMP 时代”带来的挑战,设计人员必须重视产品概念设计,深化理解概念设计的重要性。6 1 文标题文标题论药品包装机械的概念设计论药品包装机械的概念设计原文标题原文标题Comment on medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design 作作 者者BRIAN HUGH WARNER译译 名名布莱恩休沃纳国国 籍籍美国 JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT&CONTROL原文出处原文出处动力系统,测量与控制杂志Comment on medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual designIn recent years,Carry out GMP(medicines and chemical reagents produces specifications of quality)attestation system because of sustained our country economic situation rise and country to pharmacy industry mandatory.Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery has got quite great progress.The new product increases by gradually.Engineering level has had very big improvement.But be returning very big gaps back to existence compared with international standards.Level being close to 60%s product cannot to reach upper developed country century eighties.Large-scale advanced equipment is dependent on entrance mainly.Low our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery engineering level is that the design designing personnel low level from our country enterprise arouses to a great extent.One,our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery current situation analysesOur country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery still has bigger gap compared with advanced international level.What time is insufficient on domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery design under main existence1)Backward domestic mechanical performance medicines and chemical reagents package machinery mostly,accuracy low velocity,is slow,stationarity dispatches package machinery travel process to contain large amount of dyadic complicated intermittence motion.Come to come true mainly from the cam,the connecting rod.But,2 many design that the personnel is unable to require that the independence designs the parameter calculating cam bar linkage kinematics and dynamics according to job cycle picture and accuracy.Be only the surveying and mapping carrying out a piecemeal that the abroad model machine cam connecting rod part is dismantled down simplely.Bring about actuating mechanism error is very big.That domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery runs speed mostly is more general than hanging down according to cutting frequency if the aluminium moulds bubble cover packers for 100 one 300 mins,full-automatic medicine box packer dress box speed 50-200 boxes/ms in.But,on the international,the advanced aluminium moulds rushing steeping cover packer cutting frequency be able to reach 600 mins.Full-automatic medicine box packer dress box speed is able to reach 600 800 box/mins.Not only working speed of domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery is slow.And,the partner has bigger noise.2)Is under the control of horizontal backward.Domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery controls low,automation of level difference mostly,the malfunction leads height.(Main package machinery finger box dress controls domestic medicines and chemical reagents with drinking wine holding machinery with)adopt PLC to do a scene mostly.But,advanced medicines and chemical reagents package machinery realizes supervisory control abroad mostly from computer system.Under the control of horizontal relatively backward.Great majority domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery automation sex is relatively poor.Adopt a single to produce a pattern first commonly.The full-automatic production line is few.Two is that full-automation works cannot to achieve.Require that the manpower feeds in raw material.Hand movement enchases.If in a little paper box packer,Page,paper box all needs medicine board,specifications paper to move charging personally.And require specially-assigned person to pay attention to if specifications,medicine board,paper box already finish using at any time.Happen to avoid bringing about machine racing or bringing about incomplete specifications,medicine board,and medicine box phenomenon.Other,domestic medicines and chemical reagents package mechanic failure rates are higher.Control a component(if the relay,electromagnetic valve,contactor,breaker etc.)etc.are often easy to damage.Halt also to frequently occur the 3 malfunction.3)Functions are unitary,expansion sex is bad.Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery is that the form designs that specifically for specially appointed package.The general specification range inner in regulation is adjustable.But,a lot of our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery considers insufficiency when designing that.Be not that reforming going a step further sets apart sufficient space.Cause the machinery designing that to be able to only adapt to the form board in several kinds simplicities.Change not adapting to wrapping material or the form board dimension.Fit in with even.The package finished product mass giving birth to a child is neither nice.4)Considers deficiency synthetically.Resource does not fully utilize.Our country medicines and chemical reagents there exists the chaos phenomenon in package machinery design.A lot of machinery designs that the personnel drags to the electric motor moving the synchrony technology,the servo drive technology do not knows.The problem simple electrical equipment available is resolved uses complicated mechanism to come to come true but.Some though the control organ works to come having adopt the synchrony electric motor to wait for a device.But choose block of wood ding-dang.The maximum having brought about resource not only wastes this condition.And make machinery function designing that low.5)Model is inflexible.Model seldom considering machinery time medicines and chemical reagents of our country package machinery design.Many machine molding that the manufacturer produces is not beautiful do not have model even.Give person feeling to rigid,to inflexible,not to have vigor.A few medicine box packers are middle.The nut all assembles screw on the machine outside board.But,the oil cup and flow nipple that a little lubrication uses also can be seen everywhere.Be stained fully with a greasy dirt easy to use machine everywhere time oiling.Impression is rough to person.No beautiful.Two,medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design contentPeople long-term study passes.Define conceptual design being:Have been ascertaining the mission queen.Pass abstract-relation.Design the function structure.4 Explore appropriate effect principle and their combination waiting.Ascertain out basic finding the solution approach.Reach find the solution scheme.This part of the conceptual design designing that the job is called conceptual design is referred to make the queen who designs purpose and now has condition clear.The designer searches for many-sided knowledge.Analysis abstracts the solution on generating dyadic broad frame significance the day after tomorrow.Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design demands according to each product life cycle stages.Carrying out the product function creates,the function breaks up as well as the function and son are functional physical design:That conception and systematization carrying out the scheme satisfying the operating principle that the function and structure demand finding the solution and carrying out the operating principle carrier realizing the function structures design the conceptual design process is that one finds the solution realizing a functions,satisfies the various technology and various there existing in economic targets,possibility scheme well ultimate for sure synthetically optimum scheme process.The conceptual design effect embodies in the product design early phase stage mainly.Chief architect is based on functional need of product but primitive conception and impulsion sprouting out form the product main body frame.And,it responds to every main module and module including.In order to accomplishing overall layout and the exterior,the first step designs that.And then carry out the optimization appraising a sum.Ascertain the overall design plan.Design that the personnel carries out the chief architect design thought going to designing middle concretely again from every part.Detail designs realization.The conceptual design putting medicines and chemical reagents package machinery into practice demands to design that the personnel reinforces the cognition to medicines and chemical reagents package first.Deepen the connotation understanding medicines and chemical reagents packages.Introduce modern package idea.Be in line with the international conventions actively.Modern package is to ensure the product safety not only.Make product transportation convenient.And be getting up propagate,environmental protection,defends against false.Attractive looks waits for the many-sided effect.Wrap up contents additional information.The medicines and chemical reagents package machinery design personnel should show solicitude for development of package system closely.Go deep into the 5 handicraft studying package.Know demand of development of wrapping material and the person to machinery product very well.Only when such ability designs that out satisfy the high tone machinery product that the consumer demands.Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design content has mainly:1)Makes the design mission clear.Be ready for feasibility analysis.The designer designs initial stage working in being in progress.Respond to the feasibility considering a product sufficiently.One aspect is the marketplace thinking.Include the production marketing,product raw material,the fabricating cost thinking:Another aspect is thinking that the product processes.Include thinking now having a working ability,processing handicraft,processing the function and periphery supporting industry.Periphery supporting environment thinking points to the local enterprise working ability mainly processes level,heat treatment handicraft and the infrastructural facilities construction etc.2)Function design.Great majority our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery is the same kind model copying to abroad.But peculiar national conditions because of our country existence.Must carry out appropriate reforming on the product.To satisfy request of our country.But fault blindly copy blindly.The machinery designing that is packed in,irrigates the dress function outside except needing to satisfy a box.We must consider the additional function packing machinery.If in package box should add a counting cup.The medicine spoon waits an utensil down.Be put into use with convenience of customers.In machine,kind of aspect developing can design comparatively advanced machinery.If sterile pack machinery,the package machinery retaining freshness etc.Can develop the corollary equipment selling complete sets of equipment and the post-processing at reduced prices in the medicines and chemical reagents package front.3)Functions decomposition.Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery belongs to the integration of machinery with electronics product.Should consider every function all round time design.Sort Er Yan.The medicines and chemical reagents package machinery function may divide 3 major parts being that organization moves,monitors biography feel,the information processing and controlling a function basically.The function subdivides organization motion according to may not kind with 6 machine,packer may be molding,heat-s