沥青混凝土摊铺机自动找平梁原理及应用[中文2537字] 【中英文WORD】.zip


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中文2537字 中英文WORD 沥青混凝土摊铺机自动找平梁原理及应用[中文2537字] 【中英文WORD】 沥青 混凝土 摊铺机 自动 找平 原理 应用 利用 运用 中文 中英文 word
中文译文:中文译文:沥青混凝土摊铺机自动找平梁原理及应用沥青混凝土摊铺机自动找平梁原理及应用本文通过对沥青混凝土摊铺机自动找平梁结构及原理分析,联系实践经验提出其运用技巧,为高等级公路路面施工中的平整度控制提供借鉴意义,也为国内有关机械厂家提供一个建议。平整度是评价高等级公路使用质量的一个重要参数,因此平整度控制也是路面施工控制中的一个重要环节。良好的平整度水平,来自于:基底和各结构层的稳定性,无突变的、不均匀的沉降;各结构层本身连续、均衡的压实度和平整度水平,较小的变异性;施工工艺中,基准面的设定,沥青混凝土的拌和、摊铺、碾压,以及接缝处理等,各个环节的精细操作。其中,如何在路面施工过程中,为摊铺机行走提供一个准确的平整度参照系,是达到良好的平整度水平的先决条件之一。1规范要求及施工中规定(1)根据公路沥青路面施工技术规范(JTJ032-94)规定,“用于铺筑高速公路和一级公路的沥青混凝土摊铺机应:具有自动或者半自动方式调节摊铺厚度及找平的装置”。“摊铺机自动找平时,中、下面层宜采用一侧钢丝绳引导的高程控制方式。表面层宜采用摊铺层前后保持相同高差的雪橇式摊铺厚度控制方式”。沈大和京津塘等高速公路也正是按此程序控制的。(2)美国沥青协会路面铺装手册中提出,如果下面层已经非常接近容许误差,走雪撬也可以提供出光滑的面层。在沪宁高速公路的路面施工实践中,通过详尽的调查分析和比较后,认为:在高等级公路施工中,及采用进口摊铺机械的情况下,摊最度较为容易控制;而高程误差经底基层、基层、下面层施工,已相对消除,对于中、上面层,平整度要求成为主要控制因素,高程要求相对次要;再之,一侧钢丝绳的引导对于灵敏度相对较高的进口摊铺机械来说,当然是不够的。(3)因此建议各路面施工单位:一般情况下,对于全幅摊铺的摊铺机,只在基层上层和下面层摊铺时采用两侧钢丝绳引导控制方式,而中、上面层均可采用悬浮式基准梁的等厚度控制方式(即走雪撬)。这样的施工控制方法,不仅来源于实践,而且基于以下分析。2原理分析(1)采用钢丝绳引导的高程控制方式,按有关规定,应采用直径 22.5mm 的钢丝绳,200m 为一段,立杆间距 10m,张紧力需 8001000N。假设钢丝绳的张紧力无限大,测量设定的铁立杆上标高绝对准确,则由路线两侧钢丝绳提供的基准面将是上一面层的绝对标准面。但是,实际施工过程中,钢丝绳上所受的张紧力不可能无限大,而且因两侧路缘带上底基层、基层已硬化成型,承受张紧力的拉力支撑杆难以设置,规定 8001000N 的张紧力也不能保证;再加上路面摊铺一天的工作量在 12km 甚至更多,其每天两条钢丝绳的测设任务相当艰巨;另外摊铺机行走过程中引发的钢丝绳振动难以消除,人为的触、碰及破坏更是难以避免,甚至可能发生因摊铺机方向走偏,熨平板刮挤拉线桩的情况,使以钢丝绳引导的高程控制方式的准确性大打折扣。(2)采用以雪撬式控制摊铺厚度的方式,是以下一面层为基准面,在摊铺机行走过程中,尽力减小其传递到上一面层的波动及突变误差,以达到上一面层良好的平整度的目的。其原理类似于杠杆,即将杠杆的支点安置于受外界因素影响较小的新摊铺层上,而下一层次的许多不平整因素被梁体结构分解、缩小若干倍,使传感器得到一个相对稳定或波动幅度较小的控制信号。与上一方法比较,在下一层次的平整度良好的前提下,走雪撬的方法显然优于钢丝绳控制方法。(3)国外产的摊铺机均配有自动找平梁这一配件,但是因其价格高(约人民币35 万元左右,如美国 BLOW KNOX 公司的浮动找平装置,售价 34 万元),且原理简单,所以沪宁高速公路路面施工单位大都采用自己加工生产的自动找平梁。3结构分析从其结构看,单片自动找平梁主要由四个部分组成:一是前着地部分(轮式或雪橇板),二是后着地部分(一般两组雪橇板),三是前后的联接横梁,四是牵引横架。前三个部分中各结点均采用可任意旋转的轴联接。一般前着地部分至少由 4 组轮子(或雪橇板)组成,其中一个轮子若遇到高程的突变,传递到 A 点的高程变化仅为 1/8,再传递到 B 点(摊铺机传感仪设置处)只有 1/16 甚至更小,如图 2 所示。即若遇到一颗 2cm 的石子,传递到摊铺机的反应装置时只有 11.2mm,这对于摊铺机的平整度反应装置来说已微乎其微。各路面施工单位自行加工生产找平梁的过程中,也遇到各种问题,后经协调组织、相互学习取经,均取得了满意的效益。归结起来有以下几个技术要点:(1)第一部分前着地部分的轮组运转灵活,轮径一般 4050cm 为宜,不宜太小,否则其稳定性不足;(2)第二部分后着地部分的雪橇板宜大,一般 60cm35cm 有利于分散其承受的重量,应当注意,雪橇板上的支点应略向后置,使其在行走过程中不致栽头,向引起新铺路面上的深沟滑痕;(3)第三部分前后联接的横梁长度一般 1012m,刚度要大,但其重量变适中,因摊铺机的传感仪触头与横梁为线接触,横梁挠度的振动将引起传感仪上得到上下波动的信息;而且因其重量由前后两个着地点承担,特别是后着地部分,若承担的份量过重,对已铺新路面的平整度不利;(4)第四部分牵引装置为一横架,其连接摊铺机侧壁和找平梁的前端主体,在摊铺机行车过程中与摊铺机形成一个整体,需要有良好的刚度,防止振动(摇荡)前进的情况发生;(5)就整体而言,整个自动找平梁的各结点及轮轴应摩擦力小,利于灵活运转;材料可选用轻质材料,若选用 23mm 厚的钢材加工成矩形截面梁体也可以,并且结构型式上参照桁架的设计方法,配以斜撑固定,加强其刚度,减少其中因自身振动引起的误差变化。根据以上原理分析,及各路面施工单位的实践,各施工单位自己加工生产了形式多样的自动找平梁,一般花费不到 10 万元人民币,其质量和使用效果却与国外产品相当,完全可以取代进口的配件,并且已在沪宁高速公路路面施工中取得了良好的效果。4结束语当然,如前所述,下一层次(基准层面)良好的平整度是其前提,沪宁高速公路路面底基层采用路拌石灰土,基层采用厂拌二灰碎石,以摊铺机铺筑,层层严格要求,至油路面下面层时,其平整度水平已大大优于规范要求,因此及时采用走雪橇式控制方法,使平整度水平又上新台阶。到上面层铺筑完毕,有 83%的路面里程平整度达到了0.7mm。通过以上论述,可以为其它高等级公路路面施工中的平整度控制提供借鉴意义,也可以为国内有关公路机械厂家提供一个建议。出自:江苏宁沪高速公路公司 2007-11-24.Asphalt paver and application of principles of automatic leveling beam Based on the asphalt paver and the principle of auto-leveling beamstructure analysis,with practice experience to submit their application skills for the construction of highway pavement control of the flatness of reference,but also for the domestic manufacturers of the machinerytoprovide a recommendation.Roughness used to evaluate the quality of highway is an important parameter,so flatness control is control of road construction is an important link.Good level of smoothness,from:the basement and the stability of each layer,no mutation,and differential settlement;itself each layer continuous,balanced level of compaction and flatness,the smaller the variance sex;construction process,the base level set,asphalt concrete mixing,paving,rolling,and joint treatment,all aspects of the fine operation.Among them,how the road construction process,for the paver to provide a walking frame of reference and accurate flatness,flatness is to achieve a good level of one of the prerequisites.1 specification requirements and construction requirements (1)According to the Technical Specifications for Construction of Asphalt Pavement(JTJ032-94)provides that for the highway and a highway paving asphalt paver shall be.:with automatic or semi-automatic way to adjust the paving thickness and leveling device.Paver automatically find peace,in the following layer should adopt the side of the rope to guide the elevation control.Surface layer after layer of paving should be adopted to maintain the same height of the sleigh-style paving thickness control.Shenyang-Dalian expressway Tanggu such as process control is here.(2)American Asphalt Association,Pavement Manual suggested that if the following has been very close to the tolerance level,and take the sled can also provide a smooth surface.Construction of Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway in the practice of the road,through a detailed analysis and comparison of the investigation,considers that:in highway construction,and paving machinery imported cases,the degree of sharing is more easily controlled;the height error by Subbase and Base,the following layer construction,has been relatively eliminated,for the medium and the top layer,the smoothness requirements of a major controlling factor,relatively minor elevation requirements;then the one side of the guide wire relatively high sensitivity of the import for paving machinery is,of course,is not enough.(3)therefore recommended that the road construction units:In general,the full width paving paving machine,only at the grassroots level and below the upper layer of paving on both sides of wire rope used to guide control,and in the top layer can be used suspended such as the thickness of the beam-type control(that is to go sled.)This method of construction control,not only comes from practice,but based on the following analysis.2 Principle Analysis(1)The wire rope guide the elevation control,according to relevant regulations,should be 2 2.5mm diameter steel wire rope,200m for the period,pole spacing of 10m,tension required 800 1000N.Assuming infinite tension wire rope,sets of measurements on the elevation of the iron pole is absolutely accurate,provided by the datum line both sides of the rope will be on the side of the surface layer of the absolute standard.However,the actual construction process,the wire tension can not be suffered on the infinite,and because both sides of the curb to bring sub-base,grass-roots level has hardened forming,supporting bar to withstand the pull of tension is difficult to set requirements 800 1000N of tension force can not be guaranteed;plus work a day in paving 1 2km or more,the day of determination for the two wire very difficult task;other paver walk wire rope vibration caused by the process difficult to eliminate,human touch,touch,and even more difficult to avoid damage and may even go the wrong direction occurred due to paver,screed cable pile scraping crowded conditions,so that the rope to guide the accuracy of the elevation control greatly reduced.(2)paving used to control the thickness of the sled the way of the following side of the layer of base level,in the course of paver walk,try to reduce its transmission to the upper side of the layer fluctuations and mutation errors,in order to achieve on the side layer of the purpose of good flatness.The principle is similar to leverage,about fulcrum placed in less affected by external factors,new paving layer,while the next level of many factors that are not smooth beam structure decomposition,reduced several times,the sensors are a relatively stable or less volatile in the control signal.Compared with the previous method,the flatness of the next level of good premise,the method is clearly superior to take the sled rope control.(3)foreign production paver equipped with automatic leveling beam the pieces,but because of its high price(about 350 thousand yuan or so,companies such as the U.S.BLOW KNOX floating elevator device,priced at 340,000 yuan),and simple in principle,the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway road construction units were powered by their own auto-leveling beam processing.3 Structural Analysis Its structure,the single auto-leveling beam mainly consists of four parts:First,the ground part of the front(wheel or sled board),the second is the ground after some(usually two sled board),the three join the front and rear beams,Fourth,traction Hengjia.The first three parts are used in each node can join any axis of rotation.The ground part of the former general of at least 4 wheels(or skis board),of which a wheel In the case of elevation of the mutation is passed to the A point of elevation change of only 1/8,and then passed to the B point(sensor paver instrument set at),only 1/16 or even smaller,as shown in Figure 2.If you encounter one that is 2cm of gravel,delivered to the paver when the reactor is only 1 1.2mm,the flatness of the paver for the reactor has been minimal.The road construction unit beam self-leveling processing process,have encountered various problems,the latter coordinated organizations,learn from each other learn,have achieved satisfactory results.Boils down to a few technical points are as follows:(1)the first part of the ground before operating a flexible part of the wheel,wheel diameter 40 50cm generally appropriate,not too small,or their lack of stability;(2)The second part of the ground part of the sled after the board should be large,generally 60cm 35cm conducive to diversify its weight to bear,should be noted that the fulcrum of the board should be slightly sled back home,it will not be planted in the head during walking,paving the way to lead to a new sliding surface of the deep groove marks;(3)The third part of the connection of the beam length is generally around 10 12m,the stiffness should be large,but the weight change is moderate,due to paver contact sensing apparatus in line contact with the beam,beam deflection will cause the vibration sensor get up and down device information;and its weight borne by the front two the place,especially after the ground part,if the bear excessive weight on the paved road surface roughness of new negative;(4)The fourth part of the traction device is a Heng Jia,the connecting wall and paver leveling the front of the main beam,the paver road paver process and form a whole,need to have a good stiffness to prevent vibration(sway)move to happen;(5)On the whole,the entire auto-leveling beams and a sensor node to be the friction is small,for flexible working;material could be light-weight materials,if the choice of 2 3mm thick steel processed into rectangular beam can be and the light of the truss structure type design,coupled with fixed braces to enhance their stiffness,reduce vibration which caused the error due to their own changes.Based on the above principles of analysis,and the practice of road construction units,the construction units themselves processing various forms of auto-leveling beams,generally cost less than 10 million yuan,the quality and the results are quite foreign products,can replace imports of parts and road construction in the Shanghai-Nanjing expressway has achieved good results.4 Conclusion Of course,as mentioned,the next level(base level)good flatness is its premise,the Shanghai-Nanjing expressway pavement sub-base mix lime soil by road,primary use of lime mixing plant to paver paving,layers of strict requirements,to the road below the oil layer,the smoothness level is much better than the specifications,so take the sleigh in time control method used,so that the level of smoothness and a new level.To the upper layer pavement is completed,83%of the surface roughness reached a length of 0.7mm.Through the above discussion,you can for other highway pavement construction control of the flatness of reference,the road can be for the domestic machinery manufacturers to provide a recommendation.From:Jiangsu Expressway Company 2007-11-24.中文译文:中文译文:沥青混凝土摊铺机自动找平梁原理及应用沥青混凝土摊铺机自动找平梁原理及应用本文通过对沥青混凝土摊铺机自动找平梁结构及原理分析,联系实践经验提出其运用技巧,为高等级公路路面施工中的平整度控制提供借鉴意义,也为国内有关机械厂家提供一个建议。平整度是评价高等级公路使用质量的一个重要参数,因此平整度控制也是路面施工控制中的一个重要环节。良好的平整度水平,来自于:基底和各结构层的稳定性,无突变的、不均匀的沉降;各结构层本身连续、均衡的压实度和平整度水平,较小的变异性;施工工艺中,基准面的设定,沥青混凝土的拌和、摊铺、碾压,以及接缝处理等,各个环节的精细操作。其中,如何在路面施工过程中,为摊铺机行走提供一个准确的平整度参照系,是达到良好的平整度水平的先决条件之一。1规范要求及施工中规定(1)根据公路沥青路面施工技术规范(JTJ032-94)规定,“用于铺筑高速公路和一级公路的沥青混凝土摊铺机应:具有自动或者半自动方式调节摊铺厚度及找平的装置”。“摊铺机自动找平时,中、下面层宜采用一侧钢丝绳引导的高程控制方式。表面层宜采用摊铺层前后保持相同高差的雪橇式摊铺厚度控制方式”。沈大和京津塘等高速公路也正是按此程序控制的。(2)美国沥青协会路面铺装手册中提出,如果下面层已经非常接近容许误差,走雪撬也可以提供出光滑的面层。在沪宁高速公路的路面施工实践中,通过详尽的调查分析和比较后,认为:在高等级公路施工中,及采用进口摊铺机械的情况下,摊最度较为容易控制;而高程误差经底基层、基层、下面层施工,已相对消除,对于中、上面层,平整度要求成为主要控制因素,高程要求相对次要;再之,一侧钢丝绳的引导对于灵敏度相对较高的进口摊铺机械来说,当然是不够的。(3)因此建议各路面施工单位:一般情况下,对于全幅摊铺的摊铺机,只在基层上层和下面层摊铺时采用两侧钢丝绳引导控制方式,而中、上面层均可采用悬浮式基准梁的等厚度控制方式(即走雪撬)。这样的施工控制方法,不仅来源于实践,而且基于以下分析。2原理分析(1)采用钢丝绳引导的高程控制方式,按有关规定,应采用直径 22.5mm 的钢丝绳,200m 为一段,立杆间距 10m,张紧力需 8001000N。假设钢丝绳的张紧力无限大,测量设定的铁立杆上标高绝对准确,则由路线两侧钢丝绳提供的基准面将是上一面层的绝对标准面。但是,实际施工过程中,钢丝绳上所受的张紧力不可能无限大,而且因两侧路缘带上底基层、基层已硬化成型,承受张紧力的拉力支撑杆难以设置,规定 8001000N 的张紧力也不能保证;再加上路面摊铺一天的工作量在 12km 甚至更多,其每天两条钢丝绳的测设任务相当艰巨;另外摊铺机行走过程中引发的钢丝绳振动难以消除,人为的触、碰及破坏更是难以避免,甚至可能发生因摊铺机方向走偏,熨平板刮挤拉线桩的情况,使以钢丝绳引导的高程控制方式的准确性大打折扣。(2)采用以雪撬式控制摊铺厚度的方式,是以下一面层为基准面,在摊铺机行走过程中,尽力减小其传递到上一面层的波动及突变误差,以达到上一面层良好的平整度的目的。其原理类似于杠杆,即将杠杆的支点安置于受外界因素影响较小的新摊铺层上,而下一层次的许多不平整因素被梁体结构分解、缩小若干倍,使传感器得到一个相对稳定或波动幅度较小的控制信号。与上一方法比较,在下一层次的平整度良好的前提下,走雪撬的方法显然优于钢丝绳控制方法。(3)国外产的摊铺机均配有自动找平梁这一配件,但是因其价格高(约人民币35 万元左右,如美国 BLOW KNOX 公司的浮动找平装置,售价 34 万元),且原理简单,所以沪宁高速公路路面施工单位大都采用自己加工生产的自动找平梁。3结构分析从其结构看,单片自动找平梁主要由四个部分组成:一是前着地部分(轮式或雪橇板),二是后着地部分(一般两组雪橇板),三是前后的联接横梁,四是牵引横架。前三个部分中各结点均采用可任意旋转的轴联接。一般前着地部分至少由 4 组轮子(或雪橇板)组成,其中一个轮子若遇到高程的突变,传递到 A 点的高程变化仅为 1/8,再传递到 B 点(摊铺机传感仪设置处)只有 1/16 甚至更小,如图 2 所示。即若遇到一颗 2cm 的石子,传递到摊铺机的反应装置时只有 11.2mm,这对于摊铺机的平整度反应装置来说已微乎其微。各路面施工单位自行加工生产找平梁的过程中,也遇到各种问题,后经协调组织、相互学习取经,均取得了满意的效益。归结起来有以下几个技术要点:(1)第一部分前着地部分的轮组运转灵活,轮径一般 4050cm 为宜,不宜太小,否则其稳定性不足;(2)第二部分后着地部分的雪橇板宜大,一般 60cm35cm 有利于分散其承受的重量,应当注意,雪橇板上的支点应略向后置,使其在行走过程中不致栽头,向引起新铺路面上的深沟滑痕;(3)第三部分前后联接的横梁长度一般 1012m,刚度要大,但其重量变适中,因摊铺机的传感仪触头与横梁为线接触,横梁挠度的振动将引起传感仪上得到上下波动的信息;而且因其重量由前后两个着地点承担,特别是后着地部分,若承担的份量过重,对已铺新路面的平整度不利;(4)第四部分牵引装置为一横架,其连接摊铺机侧壁和找平梁的前端主体,在摊铺机行车过程中与摊铺机形成一个整体,需要有良好的刚度,防止振动(摇荡)前进的情况发生;(5)就整体而言,整个自动找平梁的各结点及轮轴应摩擦力小,利于灵活运转;材料可选用轻质材料,若选用 23mm 厚的钢材加工成矩形截面梁体也可以,并且结构型式上参照桁架的设计方法,配以斜撑固定,加强其刚度,减少其中因自身振动引起的误差变化。根据以上原理分析,及各路面施工单位的实践,各施工单位自己加工生产了形式多样的自动找平梁,一般花费不到 10 万元人民币,其质量和使用效果却与国外产品相当,完全可以取代进口的配件,并且已在沪宁高速公路路面施工中取得了良好的效果。4结束语当然,如前所述,下一层次(基准层面)良好的平整度是其前提,沪宁高速公路路面底基层采用路拌石灰土,基层采用厂拌二灰碎石,以摊铺机铺筑,层层严格要求,至油路面下面层时,其平整度水平已大大优于规范要求,因此及时采用走雪橇式控制方法,使平整度水平又上新台阶。到上面层铺筑完毕,有 83%的路面里程平整度达到了0.7mm。通过以上论述,可以为其它高等级公路路面施工中的平整度控制提供借鉴意义,也可以为国内有关公路机械厂家提供一个建议。出自:江苏宁沪高速公路公司 2007-11-24.
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