1、 Confidentiality: 2 / SUPPLIER INFORMATION 保密性:2/供应商信息供应商信息供应商信息供应商信息 Code: GMS61030-en Rev.0 代码:GMS61030-en 版本:0 REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT 要求文件 Date: 07/05/09 Pg. 1 of5 日期:07/05/09 页码: 1/5 Approval process: Electronic: PDM flow+ translation 批准工艺:电子版:PDM 流程图流程图流程图流程图 Type of Documentation: 文档类型: PDTD -
2、Product PDTD 产品产品产品产品 Author: AURQUIZA 编制人:AURQUIZA Revised: MCC 修订人:MCC Deliverable: 交付: D02 Title: 标题: Correlation between European & Chinese steels for non-structural components 中欧非结构构件用钢相关性中欧非结构构件用钢相关性中欧非结构构件用钢相关性中欧非结构构件用钢相关性 Approved: BMVAHNOVEANU 批准人:BMVAHNOVEANU This document, its content, ap
3、pendices and/or changes (the “Document”) were created by Gamesa Corporacin Tecnolgica, S.A. (“Gamesa”) for informative purposes only, and contains private and confidential information referring to Gamesa and/or its subsidiaries (the Company), and is addressed exclusively to its recipients. Consequen
4、tly, it shall not be, totally or partially, disclosed, published or distributed without the prior written consent of Gamesa, unless an explicit reference is made to Gamesas ownership in the intellectual property rights. The entire content of this Document, whether they are texts, images, brands, log
5、os, color combinations or any other element, its structure or design, the selection and presentation format of the materials included therein are protected by both industrial and intellectual property rights -Gamesas ownership- and shall be respected by both the recipient and addressee of this Docum
6、ent. In particular, but without any limitation as to the general obligation to maintain its confidentiality, any reproduction is strictly prohibited, except for private use. Any transformation, distribution, public communication, dissemination to any third party, and in a general sense, any other us
7、e by any means, of all or any part of the contents of this Document, its design or the selection of the materials included in it and the manner in which they are presented is also strictly forbidden. 本文件、其内容、附录和/或变更内容(“文件”)由 Gamesa Corporacin Tecnolgica, S.A. (“歌美飒”)编写,仅供参考,其中包含与歌美飒和/或 其附属子公司(“公司”)的
8、私有机密信息,仅供收件人使用。因此,除非明确提到歌美飒公司对该知识产权拥有所有权,未经歌美飒事先书面许,不 得泄露、出版或传播本文件的部分或全部内容。本文件的全部内容,包括文字、图片、商标、标志、色彩方案或任何其它元素、结构和设计以及本 文件中材料的选择和提供格式均受歌美飒所拥有的工业产权以及知识产权保护,本文件接收人及件收件人须予以遵守。特殊情况下,但没有限制一 般保密义务时,严禁复制文件内容,私人用途除外。在一般情况下,同样严禁以任何方式转换、传播、公开本文件的全部或部分内容及其设计与材 料的选择和提供方式或泄露给第三方。 INDEX 索引索引索引索引 1 AIM 目的. 2 2 SCOP
9、E.范围 . 2 3 DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS 定义和缩略语. 2 4 DESCRIPTION 描述 . 2 4.1 Mechanical Propierties 机械特性. 2 4.2 Chemical Composition.化学成分. 3 4.3 Weldability 焊接性. 3 5 RESULTS 结论. 4 5.1 Results between material specified and substituted material (S235JR-Q235B)指定材料与替 代材料结论(S235JR-Q235B). 4 5.2 Results betwee
10、n material specified and substituted material (S275JR and S355J0-Q345B/C) 指定材料与替代材料结论(S275JR 及 S355J0-Q345B/C). 4 5.3 Assessment 评估. 4 6 REFERENCES 参考文件. 5 RECORD OF CHANGES 更改记录更改记录更改记录更改记录 Rev. 版本版本版本版本 Date 日期日期日期日期 Author 编者编者编者编者 Description 描述描述描述描述 0 07/05/09 AURQUIZA Initial Version 初版 Confi
11、dentiality:2/SUPPLIER INFORMATION 保密性:2/供应商信息供应商信息供应商信息供应商信息 Code: GMS61030-en Rev: 0 代码:GMS61030-en 版本:0 REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT 要求文件 Date: 07/05/09 Pg 2 of 5 日期:07/05/09 页码:2 / 5 Title: Correlation between European & Chinese steels for non-structural components 标题:中欧非结构构件用钢相关性中欧非结构构件用钢相关性中欧非结构构件用钢相关
12、性中欧非结构构件用钢相关性 1 AIM 1 目的目的目的目的 Define steel equivalence between European Standard and China Standard. 定义中欧标准之间钢的等效关系。 2 SCOPE 2 范围范围范围范围 Equivalences steels specified herein are only applicable in non structural elements. 此处所述等效钢仅适用于非结构构件。 3 DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS 3 定义和缩略语定义和缩略语定义和缩略语定义和缩略语 All da
13、ta which are shown in the following tables of this document are only for information. For any doubt, mandatory data are shown in relevant standards (quoted in point 6) 本文以下表格所述数据仅供参考。若有疑问,可参 看相关标准内的必要数据(见第 6 点) 4 DESCRIPTION 4 描述描述描述描述 Proposal to be considered in this document is as follow: 本文考虑建议如
14、下: 1) Lug, anchorage points, supports, diagonal and reinforcements, rest platform, brackets, plates, guardrail and supports for different elements. Materials defined for these items are S235JR and S235JRG2 according to EN10025-2:2004 and material proposing to be used is Q235B according to GB/T 700:2
15、006 1) 用于不同构件的凸耳、锚固点、支撑、斜构件 及加强件、休息平台、托架、钢板、护栏及支撑。 依据依据依据依据 EN10025-2:2004,指定材料是指定材料是指定材料是指定材料是 S235JR 和和和和 S235JRG2;依据依据依据依据 GB/T700:2006,建议使用材料建议使用材料建议使用材料建议使用材料 是是是是 Q235B。 2) Beams, diagonal support for ladder and reinforcements. Materials defined are S355J0 and S275JR according to EN10025-2:200
16、4 and material proposing to be used is Q345C and Q345B respectively and according to GB/T 1591:1994 2) 用于爬梯和加强件的横梁和对角支撑。依据依据依据依据 EN10025-2: 2004, 指定材料是指定材料是指定材料是指定材料是S335J0 和和和和S275JR; 依据依据依据依据GB/T1591: 1994, 建议使用材料分别是建议使用材料分别是建议使用材料分别是建议使用材料分别是Q345C 和和和和 Q345B。 4.1 MECHANICAL PROPIERTIES 4.1 机械特性机械
17、特性机械特性机械特性 Denomination material S235JRG2 was according to EN10025:1994. Nowadays this standard is obsolete and has been superseded by EN10025-2:2004. Therefore, S235JRG2 will be considered according to denomination of the current standard. 命名材料 S235JRG2 符合 EN10025:1994 规定。 该标准现已失效且已由 EN10025-2:2004
18、 替代。因因因因 此此此此,S234JRG2 应符合应符合应符合应符合现行标准命名要求现行标准命名要求现行标准命名要求现行标准命名要求。 Table 1.- Mechanical properties acc. EN10025 and equivalent material 表 1-符合 EN10025 的机械特性及等效材料 Designation 名称 Thickness 厚度 Minimum yield strength ReH MPa 最小抗屈强度 Tensile strength Rm MPa 抗拉强度 Minimum % of elongation after fracture Lo
19、 = 5,65 So 断裂后最小延伸率 Impact energy 冲击能量 Minimum Kv (J) 最小 Confidentiality:2/SUPPLIER INFORMATION 保密性:2/供应商信息供应商信息供应商信息供应商信息 Code: GMS61030-en Rev: 0 代码:GMS61030-en 版本:0 REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT 要求文件 Date: 07/05/09 Pg 3 of 5 日期:07/05/09 页码:3 / 5 Title: Correlation between European & Chinese steels for no
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- GMS61030_R0 中欧 结构 构件 相关性 _E